Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Water Books

In preparation for the upcoming lesson, Lesson 9: I am grateful for water, I've picked out a few water oriented books to get from my library. Here they are:

Over in the Ocean: In A Coral Reef by Marianne Berkes

Cloud by Eric Carle

Rain by Manya Stojic

Snow by Manya Stojic

Where the Wild Things Are by Mauric Sendak (Max rides in his boat)

Lost and Found

King Bidgood's in the Bathtub and He Won't Get Out by Audrey Wood

Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion

Harry by the Sea by Gene Zion ( I LOVE the Harry books!)

Noah's Ark by Peter Spier

Flotsam by David Wiesner

Snow Day by Ezra Jack Keats

I would like to find another book or two about the animals that live in the water. I think I'll look around when I get to the library. Anybody have any other suggestions for water books?

If you are looking for books on another topic, some great sites for pre-school age book recommendations are Surlalune Story Time which is here (she organizes her book recommendations by topic, so handy!) and Minneapolis Public libraries page here.


  1. I got The Water hole by Graeme Base, Rain Dance by Kathi Appelt, Bath Time by Eileen Spinelli, Splash Splash by Jeff Sheppard, and Rain by Peter Spier

  2. I'll have to check those out. Thanks for the recommendation. Email me at nocrylds (at) gmail. I'm writing it weird in an attempt to avoid spammers. Hope to hear from you soon.

  3. I am trumping Lindsay and telling her good idea. She is nursery leader in my ward and they did this lesson last week. For an activity she taught the kids how to fill eye droppers or medicine syringes with water and fill cups or muffin tins that way. She said there was a learning curve but the kids got into it.

  4. I love your book choices! Are they enjoying the story time?

  5. Thanks for the book ideas!

    I used a squirt bottle to spray mist over the kids as we sang "Rain is falling." It was a hit.

  6. Wow! What an awesome idea for a blog! I hope you don't mind, but I linked your blog on two of mine because I think it's just great!

  7. I forgot about the Snowy Day I love that book!
    Little Cloud, Tyler makes fun of that book, but we love it. He can't believe he got paid to do a book that simple, but that is one of the things we love about it!
